Are you wondering what is attraction marketing? And why is it such a hot topic on the internet today? I was wondering that myself since the company I was working with didn’t recommend even worrying about using the internet to promote my business. However, since network marketers have moved online, network attraction marketing has really taken off. The notion of attracting prospects who have an interest in listening to your offer seems almost too good to be true! That is true especially if you previously followed older methods. The biggest difficulty network marketers face when changing the way they promote their business is often a lack of familiarity with the process. If you are still following the old school of MLM methods, it may take longer for you to bite the bullet and change your thinking. However, when you see how attraction marketing can work, you will realize that your market is so much larger than when you are using old school methods. What seems to be occurring right now to the industry is the snowballing of ideas so rapidly on the internet. Who heard of Twitter or Squidoo or Facebook five years ago? Today they are revolutionizing network marketing. When you start to look into attraction marketing you will need to assess yourself to ensure that you have the flexibility it takes to shift your business online. This means if you are stubborn and refuse to believe that there is a more successful way of attracting prospects, your business is going to take a hit and you will only suffer as a result. As this shift takes place, those who don’t avail themselves of the new methods will become discouraged and there may be a rise in attrition initially. However, as the number of people who adopt these changes in the way they promote and market their network marketing business increases, it is very likely that the overall failure rate of the MLM industry will recover. The how of attraction network marketing can be learned very quickly by those willing to take up university training or mentoring in order to enhance the success of their skills in attraction marketing. Attraction Network Marketing There is one important question asked by those network marketers making a start online and it usually begins with a how? What they really need is somebody to show them how. No matter which network marketing assessment you happen to read it should always cover this particular point. Whilst offline network marketing is still in use today, you should still focus on making waves online as a way of marketing and promoting your business. This will keep you way ahead of the competition. If you want to see an additional 10-100 prospects come to you to hear your offer, attraction marketing is the only way to go.