Grandma was right ..
The Cures you are searching for
are hidden in Your Kitchen


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Superb and creaative but a great message of Life for us all

Meet Shweta Savjani on

She says "20 years on you will regret what you didn't do, rather than what you did do!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The best Message of Valentine's Day I received today - Happy Valentines Day -

Happy Valentine's Day Pankaj Sampat! :)

Just wanted to send you a little love note today
to let you know how much you are LOVED!

We always have an infinite supply of love
within our hearts and all around us... in fact,
I believe that love is really our true essence.

And in being LOVING, that's how we really
unlock the treasure chest of love within us
and invite more of it into our lives.

The more love we give, the more love we
experience! :)

And although fancy gifts, chocolates, and
dinner dates are fun... love is really all that

And I truly feel that one of the best gifts of
love we can give another is the gift of our

That means being quiet inside and not
allowing the monkey mind to be jumping
around from thought to thought, thinking
about what you're going to say next or how
the conversation relates back to you...

It means truly paying attention, listening...
intently and deeply.

When we're present and we're truly listening,
we start to feel an expanded sense of
understanding and compassion...

We "unite" with that person in such a way
where love is allowed to flow through both
people, freely and powerfully.

In presence, we're able to touch, taste, and
experience the love that is always there.

So today (and everyday), give the gift of your
presence to those you love in addition to whatever
else you have planned...

It's a gift to both you AND your loved ones.
Everyone experiences more love, which means
there more love to be shared and celebrated! :)

And in the spirit of Valentine's Day, I also
wanted to share one of my favorite videos with

It's a song by MC Yogi called "Give Love" :)
I think you'll really love it!

Enjoy!  My heart is smiling at you today and
sending you all the love that is present in my
heart :)

Katie Freiling