What is the Difference between SMS and Twitter ?
In SMS , you have to send individually or in Groups or in Bulk to People whom you know, whose mobile nos you have and whom YOU Select
In SMS , you have to send individually or in Groups or in Bulk to People whom you know, whose mobile nos you have and whom YOU Select
In TWITTER , you put your message on your Twitter Account floating in Cyber Space for anyone to catch and tune into . It automatically finds its way to like minded people who decide to follow your
Tweets from all across the world including your City and neighborhood.
Tweets from all across the world including your City and neighborhood.
They are very interested in your messages
( Tweets as they are called )
This way you are ot forcing yourself into the private space of people that might start getting irritated with you because of your unsolicited information. In other words you don't get the
brand of a Spammer.
With Twitter you get unlimited reach for free to the entire Internet Population that will always remain stored in your account on Cyberspace and also become searchable on words
( keywords as they are called ) by People who are not even following you..The amazing thing is that now Twitter has started being acknowledged as the most live search engine and may be competing with our friend Mr Google.
Therefore it is being talked that Twitter content is also being taken seriously by google and is on the way to be delivered by Google search as well , since it is no longer possible to ignore this rich content from Netizens who are allll communicating via Twitter
( Tweets as they are called )
This way you are ot forcing yourself into the private space of people that might start getting irritated with you because of your unsolicited information. In other words you don't get the
brand of a Spammer.
With Twitter you get unlimited reach for free to the entire Internet Population that will always remain stored in your account on Cyberspace and also become searchable on words
( keywords as they are called ) by People who are not even following you..The amazing thing is that now Twitter has started being acknowledged as the most live search engine and may be competing with our friend Mr Google.
Therefore it is being talked that Twitter content is also being taken seriously by google and is on the way to be delivered by Google search as well , since it is no longer possible to ignore this rich content from Netizens who are allll communicating via Twitter
Hence it makes sense to inform and advise all your co workers, colleagues, customers that if they do not have a Twitter Account , theyd better open one and connect to you
( Follow you as it is called )
( Follow you as it is called )
Twitter is essentially a far greater evolved simple to use Internet based facility that will soon replace traditional SMS having far greater reach than mobile as it rides on the Mobile services as well
Anyone wanting to learn and understand Twitter is welcome to contact me on +919860151318
and Simply City will send you schedules of our online Technology Classes being Broadcasted regularly
Click t see How I use Twitter fro listing My Properties on SIMPLYCITY.TV
Click t see How I use Twitter fro listing My Properties on SIMPLYCITY.TV
Start Tweeting to te World
The Author is a Realtor from NAR-INDIA - The Nattional Association of Realtors India
and uses Twitter very successfully and Simply on an hourly basis to list his Properties on his Website
automatically from Twitter Website at
The Author is a Realtor from NAR-INDIA - The Nattional Association of Realtors India
and uses Twitter very successfully and Simply on an hourly basis to list his Properties on his Website
automatically from Twitter Website at