If you wish to understand the business and the Products please call me on +919860151318
or email me at pksohow@gmail.com
Two local, independent, retailers have ‘found’ me through Twitter – one is in the centre of Norwich in a very prestigious position and has made some great sales for me, the other one is relatively new, but in a very good retail location in North Norfolk.
I was put in touch with another online retailer via a Twitter friend and am now on their site.
Through Twitter I found a local independent coffee shop, initially just as somewhere to visit, but for whom I now make jewellery out of coffee (and machine parts, as above) for her to sell and customers of hers have become customers of mine. That works the other way as well, Twitter is all about quid pro quo…
The local business network is invaluable for contacts as well as advice – it has taken some time to develop this community, but it is now turning up bespoke requests, attendees at parties, and has even resulted in me turning to a new business stream. A Twitter contact asked if I could mend a beloved bracelet and I now mend costume jewellery that mainstream jewellers may not touch, or might charge too much for (I jokingly started doing this as ‘The Jewellery Doctor’ – but it may have stuck)
However contacts are made, they can always lead to new opportunities and being in the city centre boutique brought me to the attention of the local press, who recently did a two page feature on me (The lady who makes junk into jewellery) which definitely turned into business as I could have sold a number of pieces several times over – this would never have happened without Twitter bringing us together in the first place.
New selling opportunities are flagged up and passed on to me via tweets – events where I can have a stall for instance.