Grandma was right ..
The Cures you are searching for
are hidden in Your Kitchen


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Uncovering your prospect's secret hot buttons...

One of the biggest keys in getting people to come to
you is knowing what buttons to push.

Simple as this may sound, it's actually not as straight
forward or as easy as one might think.

It can take some serious organized thought.

Anytime you give your prospect any kind of
message, you have to thoroughly examine it and
make sure that the things you're trying to sell them
are the things that really matter to them.

To this day, despite the fact that I've had this self-
evident truth repeatedly drilled into my head from
countless sales and marketing courses, I still find
myself at times selling the wrong benefits to my

I've learned that it isn't enough to just walk a mile
in your prospect's shoes... you have to LIVE in

Pinpointing and fulfilling their true wants and needs
is something you have to obsess over. It needs to
become the predominate thought in your mind.

So let me ask you: In OUR industry, what are our
prospects really after?

More money? More time? Freedom from the 9-5?


These are just surface desires that are plainly visible
to anyone at first glance. You have to look past the
obvious. You have to go deeper than that.

(Unfortunately, rarely does anyone in mlm ever
emphasize anything beyond these things).

How about more specifically: Enough money so that
they can take that trip to Italy they've been wanting
to do for 5 years? Enough money to pay off all their
credit card debt and their car loan so the only major
monthly payment left is their rent/mortgage? How
about enough time freedom to start exercising for
45 minutes every day like they've always wanted

That's a little better and yes, they are after these
things... but it's still going in the wrong direction.

These are all end results and they are important, but
there's still a huge gap in between where they are
now and where they want to be.

It's your job to fill in that gap.

See, what they're REALLY after is a way to obtain
these things.

A "how."

And contrary to popular belief, network marketing is
not a how. It's a "what."

If money, time, etc were really all that your prospect
was looking for and network marketing really was
the answer he needed, then merely telling him that
your opportunity can give him a six figure income
while working part time from home would be all
that was needed to sign him up.

Does it work that way? No.

That's because in reality, network marketing
MIGHT be a way for him to achieve all those things...
it's just that he hasn't been convinced of that yet.
He has to clearly see that it will work for him first.

Network marketing is just a vehicle and vehicles don't
operate themselves. People need to be shown how to
work them.

It's no different than stocks or real estate - both
vehicles that can help you reach an end goal.

No one needs to be convinced that it is POSSIBLE
to get rich through those two vehicles. Everyone
knows that.

But what they don't know is HOW to use those
vehicles to get rich. That's the missing puzzle piece
that's keeping them on the sidelines.

Same thing with m.l.m. The desire is already there
(provided you're doing a good job of targeting the
correct audience). If you can just give them the how,
they will flock to you in droves.

The most burning question your prospect has is:

"Is this going to work for ME?"

They see all the circles and the commission levels
and the big payouts and even all the success stories,
but they need to know how all that's going to happen
for them.

It's very hard to visualize a legitimate six-figure-a-
year business being built from the ground up using a
hastily thrown together names list of all the people
they know.

The way you fill in the blanks for them and answer
the question of how it's going to work is by
emphasizing the most crucial component of any
business: The marketing system being used.

This is the most important benefit of your

(That is... unless you're using warm market/cold
market prospecting. In which case, this benefit has
basically been destroyed. Because if the way you
came in touch with your prospect was by butting
into their lives with a sales pitch they never asked
for - whether they already knew you or not - you've
just shown them exactly how they would be doing
business if they joined your opportunity. And that's
not good because no one wants to be a sleazy
salesperson. On the other hand... if your marketing
system drew them to you first and all you did was
wait for the call or open your email inbox to find
someone who wants more information, how much
easier do you think it would be for them to visualize
themselves doing what you do? After all, it got them
there didn't it?)

Most people in our industry go nuts about the
product and the comp plan and even the timing of
the opportunity, but none of that means anything to
a prospect because that doesn't tell them HOW
they're going to be able to make it work.

Even if they really ARE getting in on an opportunity
that's so unique it really does only come around
once in a lifetime, so what? They still have to market
the products and the opportunity to other people to
make any money don't they? How are they going to
do that?

A good marketing system answers that question
because it, above all else, will determine their
success or failure.

It gives them the "how" instead of the "what" -
which is what they're really looking for.

If you can successful convey this to them, you've
made a bullet-proof case that's literally left them with
no reason not to take the next step.

When you target the right audience, the question
is not whether or not they want what you're offering.
The question is whether they believe it will actually
do what you say it will.

To Your Success,

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