Grandma was right ..
The Cures you are searching for
are hidden in Your Kitchen


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

No one can motivate you - you have to motivate yourself!

No one can motivate you - you have to motivate yourself!
Robert Roder: I really love what Steve shared here with everyone about "There are 'passive Associates' and 'Teambuilding Associates' - ONLY the 'teambuilding Associates' will be the ones at the NOW event.  We respect everyone has a choice to be either either 'passive' in Talk Fusion or be a 'teambuilder' - personally we only have the time to work with the 'Teambuilding Associates' ...and those are the ones going to the Talk Fusion NOW convention in Tampa, in April"  This is 300% spot on Steve! Bottomline is if you haven't yet registered, you are holding back and hurting your Talk Fusion business. Committment is the name of the game and this is the very best committment you can ever make for your Talk Fusion business. So what in the world are you waiting for if you are truly serious about moving up the ranks? This is where we seperate the players from the spectators, go register today if you haven't already and let's get on with it. Are you IN?
Bob Reina: Show me ONE PERSON IN THE WHOLE WORLD that has ever been passive about their dreams and still had them come true- show me- they do NOT exist-

Bob Reina: And respectfully to everyone, do NOT use $$$, or lack thereof as an excuse- if you do NOT have a little bit of disposable income, this should be a SERIOUS WAKE UP CALL FOR YOU and YOUR URGENCY AND COMMITMENT to your dream MUST be stronger than ever!

Bob Reina: Let's see who is a CONTENDER instead of a PRETENDER!

i just want not to miss anything from this chat

Robert Roder: I can tell you the difference it made on my team from those who attended the last Vision Event last August in Tampa, Fl. It was incredible!!! My business stats soared through the roof.  Ron Wright from Texas was a Sliver ranking and shot up to Diamond Elite in weeks after attending the event. Thomas and Eve Carter shot up to Diamond after attending the event, Mark Genovese shot up to BLUE DIAMOND shortly after attending the Vision event! All of them and many others who achieved rank advancements all agree, the Vision Event is what made the difference for them and the NOW EVENT IS GOING TO BE EVEN GREATER! BE THERE! (sun)

Robert Roder: IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE! (party)

Bob Reina: exactly right Rob!

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