Grandma was right ..
The Cures you are searching for
are hidden in Your Kitchen


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Great examples of non-profit organizations using Talk Fusion video email to communicate, create awareness and keep their supporters informed, and involved!

Dear friends

This video email will touch your heart

If you want to help the downtrodden and get the privileged ppl like you
To join the movement and give back to humanity YET Earn big money for
Spreading this revolution then simply join our virtual nation
Called Talk Fusion

It will help you do more and grow your profession and Business
While helping the downtrodden But first watch the video below

Great examples of non-profit organizations using Talk Fusion video email to communicate,
create awareness and keep their supporters informed, and involved!

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Re: Link to

On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 9:11 PM, <> wrote:

Do you like this story?


Send link to all your contacts in mail and Facebook
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-- has shared Is Facebook Destroying Email? | Jeffbullas's Blog

Sharing this for your comments and notings ** send an email to the world id Read it at

Is Facebook Destroying Email? | Jeffbullas's Blog

--- shared this using


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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Banners broker Advtg on the Internet with your website banners

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Make free 7 way video calls now

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Free local calls from your iPad smart phone

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small interesting tweet @omgthatspunny, 25/07/12 8:24

Puns (@omgthatspunny)
25/07/12 8:24
A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired.

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Fwd: This Amazing Technology Will Harness the Law of Attraction to Work in Your Life

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Follow me on Twitter at 

Begin forwarded message:

From: "The Center for Personal Reinvention" <>
Date: 24 July 2012 21:35:02 GMT+05:30
To: "Pankaj Sampat" <>
Subject: This Amazing Technology Will Harness the Law of Attraction to Work in Your Life

Hello Pankaj

It wasn't too long ago when we all watched that Secret movie and
got all pumped-up about attracting what we wanted using something
called the law of attraction.

So, we tried it and some of the time it worked. We focused our
desires and indeed, attracted people, events, and things we really
wanted... but sadly... we attracted a lot of stuff we didn't want
as well.

Yep, that's right! We attracted the bad stuff too.

How is that possible?

Sure, that wasn't our plan - attracting a lot of negativity - but
believe it or not, most of us have so much unconscious programming
going on inside our heads that we attract the negative things
almost effortlessly. And, the law of attraction is going to reflect
our inner world in the outside world.

But, here's some good news!

I've discovered a computer program that simply by-passes that
subconscious negativity and then super-charges our intentions so we
attract what we want almost every time we use it...


What's really amazing is the creators of the software guarantee
that it will work!

Here's a short video explaining everything:

To Your Magnificence,


Dr. Joe Rubino
Your Life Optimization Coach

PS: Check it out. It will amaze you.

Note: As a compensated affiliate, a percentage of any sales will go to advance the self-esteem of people around the world.
PO Box 217, Boxford, MA 01921, USA

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

These Videos will Blow you away - Eric Worre mail to me

Seriously, if you haven't had the
chance to watch the last video in 
the Futuristic Marketing series,
please take the time to do it 

CLICK HERE to see this great video.  

For those people who decide they
want to participate in this program
with me (and by the way, they're 
going to be offering a 3 payment
option when the product goes live
on Wednesday at 12noon EST), I'll 
be announcing some MAJOR perks on 
tomorrow's NMPRO show. 

Again, please take an hour out of
your life and really digest this 
final video.  Watch it all the way
through without any distractions.
You'll be glad you did.

Here's the LINK again.

Your friend & partner,

Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

Eric Worre
Network Marketing Pro 


Sunday, July 22, 2012


Scanned with FasterScan HD

Gipsy Soul rumba flamenca!

Check out this video on YouTube:

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Jaan if you love me you will watch this Video link Robbins: Why we do what we do, and how we can do it better

Check out this video on YouTube:
O inside

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Jaan please please enjoy these Superb words and Lyrics of this superb beautiful song by Belinda Carlisle-Circle In The Sand lyrics

Hi Jaan

Wrote this song for us so tell me how's it

Sent from my iPad

Santana ~ Black Magic Woman with sensational belly dancer

Check out this video on YouTube:

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Belinda Carlisle - Circle in the Sand (Good Heavens! Tour '88)

Check out this video on YouTube:

Sent from my iPad

Saturday, July 21, 2012

10 ways to raise your vibration!

I have had to share ......

This one I am forwarding is so so beautiful
And empowering that you will forgive me not
Being able to have matched your expectations , if at all ... at times

I will be overjoyed that I could contribute to our Lovely friendship on Earth
Love and Sunshine

Hi Pankaj,

I cover "10 Ways to Raise your Consciousnessin my article in the inspiration section below, as well as some other goodies! :)

Your life, from a quantum and metaphysical perspective, is ultimately shaped from the inside out, namely; you are source, not subject, of your reality!

When you dissect the world to a subatomic level, quantum science has discovered there is nothing solid at all! Your world is comprised of wavelengths of energy, and this energy responds directly to your thoughts.

Reality is a sea of possibility, an infinite field of living light, made manifest by your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes, choices, and desires.
The limits don't exist 'out there', they exist within your mind.
Thoughts become things, so choose the good ones!
"Perception is but a mirror, not a fact. What I look on is my state of mind reflected outward." ~ A Course In Miracles
This leads me on to something I'd like to share that's not covered in my article below...
Your beliefs (about self, others or the world), powerfully affect your consciousness and determine your experience at a fundamental level, whether you're aware of it or not!
What's great about beliefs is... you can CHANGE them! Becoming conscious is the first step :)
Choose beliefs that serve you, that are aligned to your dreams, goals and heart's desires, to all that you wish to be, do and have!
When you replace limiting beliefs with positive ones, you raise your consciousness and are also freed from the constrictive states of limiting thoughts and feelings generated by those. 
If you want a happy life, the first place to make a change is within! :)
The more you love yourself and others, the happier, brighter and more
successful your reality will become!
What beliefs are standing in the way?

Find out more ways to magically create a happier brighter more successful life in the article '10 Ways to Raise your Consciousness' below.
Love and joy,

Aine Belton (that's 'Onya!)


10 Ways To Raise Your Vibration
By Aine Belton

Below are some timeless tips for raising your vibration, enhancing your manifesting success and experiencing more of your magnificent true nature.
1. Gratitude
Gratitude opens your heart and connects and aligns your energy to that which you love and is good in your life, attracting more of the same. It is a way to give (in its appreciation) and receive (through the opening created by that giving). The more you value and feel grateful for something, the more there will be to value. What you appreciate, appreciates!
2. Responsibility
Responsibility brings freedom and empowerment. The more you take responsibility for your life, the better able you are to change it. You create or allow all experience, whether you are conscious of it or not. As James Allen so neatly puts it, "Circumstance does not make a man, it reveals him to himself".
Become aware of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes that are creating your world. Take responsibility for them and choose those that serve you and your world. Get exciting about the future, own your power and get manifesting. You can move from victim to victor, from blame to gain, from fear or failure, to triumph and success!
3. Suspend Judgment
Judging others or yourself lowers your energy and separates you from love, truth and joy. It is a way of making yourself superior and above another by making them 'less than' or 'wrong', whilst projecting hidden guilt and self-attack on another.
The more you love and accept yourself, the less you judge others. We all make mistakes. Seek to forgive, understand and love both the one you are tempted to judge and any potential shadows within you that they are reflecting.
4. Meditate
Meditation has so many gifts, many of which are now being scientifically recognized and documented. Meditation allows a calm and balanced perspective to be reached and negative states to dissipate and wash away as you centre and realign.
It also creates a gateway through which higher states awareness can be reached, and the love and wisdom of your Higher Self more readily accessed. Meditation returns you to a place of clarity, truth and peace, and allows your energy to clear and recharge.
3. Trust
Trust takes you towards happy desired outcomes in a magical, effortless way. Trust yourself and your power as a creator. Trust the universe and the gifts it wishes to bestow open you. Trust the doors that are opening and those that are closing. Relinquish control and allow yourself to be carried along the river of trust, the universal flow, that will take you to your goals with grace and ease.
6. Honour Your Emotions
Honour your emotions and listen to what they are telling you about what's going on inside. If they are negative or uncomfortable what thoughts or beliefs are they pointing to that may need changing or aligning?

Express and release your feelings rather than deny, repress, control or judge them. This doesn't mean wallowing in them or giving them undue attention if they do not serve you (i.e. nip that self-pity in the bud!), nor does it mean venting at someone inappropriately (writing a letter and burning it would be far 'cleaner'). Honour your emotions by accepting them and allowing them to be experienced and released, be that by feeling them, writing them down, sharing them with a friend, or expressing them through creativity, for example.
7. Know You Are Loved
You are loved totally and unconditionally by the source of creation. There is nothing you need do to win that love and nothing you can do to lose it. Become aware of this truth and allow it in. Open to receive this love. Doing so will enable you to experience more of your inherent value, increase your sense of worth and sense of deserving, heal pain of separation and loneliness, and experience more of incredible love that is there for you in every moment.
8. Forgive Yourself & Others
Forgiveness of self and others is the ultimate mind-body-soul detox. It liberates you from toxic emotions and sets you free from draining attachments . It can also dispel feelings of guilt, shame and undeserving that can otherwise block you from happiness and success. It is an immensely powerful force for healing and transformation and a most gracious gift you can give yourself and another.
9. Have Fun
Fun will attract success into your life like iron filings to a magnet. It is the antidote to stress, struggle, tediousness and seriousness. When you are having fun you are open and sharing of who you are and ride on the current of spontaneity and joy. What brings you fun, happiness and joy? Commit to more of it in all areas of your life!
10. Love, Love, Love!
Love yourself and others. There may be times this is easier than others, but make it your overriding intention. Love lies at the heart of all that you seek, and separation from it lies at the root of your troubles and pain. Let love be a guiding light in your life that will steer your ship through stormy waters back to the shore of truth, happiness and joy. We all love to love and be loved! It doesn't get better than that! It is the highest vibration there is. The more you love yourself and others, the happier, brighter and more successful your life will become.


Aine Belton

Quote"Not only do you create the way you look at things, you create the things you look at!"
~ Lazaris

40, Strawberry Hill, TW1 4PU, UNITED KINGDOM

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This link will Blow your mind Unimaginable technology Is it being used or mis used BUT ALL THE SAM ENJOY

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mod dog


Favorite Quotations

Listen more than you talk. You have two ears and one mouth use them in proportion.

Only 3% of the entire nation has goals, and that 3% has amassed more wealth than the other 97% combined. Goals work.

Never give someone a fish, it doesn't help them, teach them to fish and feed them for life.

Entitlement is the bottom of all states of mind, it creates nothing, takes everything and kills the mind of the one feeling entitled. They are in prison without knowing it.

The hardest thing to do is to love your enemy, the people who do the worst to you, turning the other cheek is not enough, you must feel great empathy for those who hurt you by words and action and if you can do this, you can do anything.

We are all what we eat. Diet is 95% of staying healthy, you can work out 7 days a week and never lose a pound if you can control what you put into your body.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

To my dear Family Laugh n Laugh the entre day ...Fwd: Happy Reading

My friend sent me this
Put the images on in this email as all jokes are in images

On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 12:24 PM, quasim Bookwala <> wrote:

Subject:  Happy Reading

1. God - Beta, mannat
( Wish )maang.
Man - Please mujhe phir se unmarried kara do.
God - Beta 'mannat' maangne ko kaha hai, "Jannat" ( heaven ) nahi !

2. There are 3 kinds of men in this world.
Some remain single and make wonders happen.
Some have girlfriends and see wonders happen.
Rest get married and wonder what happened !


3. Puri LIFE ko Sudhaarne k liye ek WIFE kafi hai,
Par ek WIFE ko sudhaarne k liye puri LIFE bhi kam hai, -

Swami Dukhiya Nandji.

4. Wives are magicians.
..... . . . . . . . . . .
They can change anything into an argument


5. Women live a Better, Longer & Peaceful Life, as compared to men.


A very INTELLIGENT Sardar replied: Women don't have a wife!




Thursday, July 5, 2012