It may be hard to believe when you look at me now in the photo below, but it is true. I was 50 pounds heavier than I should have been and 50 pounds heavier than I wanted to be. I dieted, worked out obsessively, and even starved myself, only to chase my tail back to where I started.
Jim Katsoulis, overweight before training with the creator of NLP
(Neuro-linguistic Programming), Richard Bandler.
Now Jim is a Master Hypnotist and certified Yoga Instructor.
(Neuro-linguistic Programming), Richard Bandler.
Now Jim is a Master Hypnotist and certified Yoga Instructor.
Thankfully, in my search for an alternative solution I stumbled across Hypnosis and the work of the world’s leading NLP and Hypnotist... Richard Bandler, who through his trainers training taught me his closely guarded secrets on how you can literally “re-program” your mind so that you will automatically lose weight and keep it off.
Believe me I wouldn’t have tried this unless I thought it was critical, as I have to admit I was a little bit skeptical…But I was desperate and couldn’t imagine the embarrassment of buying Velcro shoes, loose fitting Walmart pants or needing assistance to get dressed.
I’m sure you can relate to that.
If I didn’t do something about it and fast..., I have no doubts today I would be suffering from serious health issues like heart disease, diabetes, breathing problems or even worse, dead.
Good news is… it was worth it!
Today I remain within 5 pounds of my natural weight and have permanently remained at that for the past 16 years.
Yes, no dieting, no embarrassing weigh-ins, no deprivation, no depression, no strict guidelines to follow and no grueling willpower are involved.
Here is What It’s All About
You Have Two BrainsYou see everyone has two brains:
the Conscious Brain
the Unconscious Brain
Now the difference between them is huge.
The Conscious Brain is the part of you that is logical and rational, it is where your willpower lives, it is the part that knows you shouldn't eat that cookie.
The Unconscious Brain is the part of you that carries out automatic functions, such as breathing, but it also stores all your habits.
Let me give you an example of the difference.
When you first learned to read you had to practice continually this was conscious learning.
You practiced reading and writing the letters over and over, you slowly sounded out each word, learned what it meant, and eventually it became automatic for you.
You see even right now as you read this you do not have to think about how to read. You just do it. As a matter of fact you couldn't look at these words and not understand them.
I'll prove it to you, go ahead and try, I dare you.
Look at the following word and try not to understand it:
FLOWERCan you do it? I bet you can't. Let me make it easier for you.
Try not to understand the following...
Yuor mnid is aimazngly perofwul!
Wloceme to a wrold of hddien potential. Brtheae, realx, and konw that cahnge is esay when you use the peowr of your unconscouis mnid, the smae part taht atiutocamally understands thsee wrods.
What??? You still understood?
The reason for this is because the unconscious mind is so much quicker and powerful than the conscious mind. Think about it, your unconscious mind knows how to read, write, tie your shoes, drive a car, use a computer, cook, walk, and a million other things you never think about, but do automatically everyday.
So if you want to automatically be thin you must program your unconscious mind. Rather than fighting cravings and bad habits you can program in new cravings and habits that will make you thin. Remember:
chagne is esay wehn you konw how |
Powerful Subconscious Suggestions
Let me explain what I mean. Everywhere we turn, our subconscious is being manipulated. We're constantly bombarded with messages telling us to eat every time we feel good, bad, angry, depressed, etc.
This creates a condition known as the Endless Hunger. This is a hunger that never seems to go away no matter how much we eat. Why? Because, we get emotional satisfaction from food
This creates a condition known as the Endless Hunger. This is a hunger that never seems to go away no matter how much we eat. Why? Because, we get emotional satisfaction from food
Never mind all the other messages that tell us “What we should look like “
Now listen to this very carefully:
- Do you ever sit on the sofa and eat to "unwind and relax"?
- Do you ever get something to eat to take your mind off something?
- Do you ever eat because you were lonely or bored?
- Do you ever find yourself reaching for food without thinking?
Did eating really make you feel better in those situations, or after did you feel worse once guilt and frustration kicked in?
Now imagine that you could change your emotional responses to food.
Now imagine that you could change your emotional responses to food.
Imagine NOT feeling drawn to certain foods, or not feeling the need to eat at certain times of the day but instead feel no desire. – Without going hungry.
Plus…Imagine having an intense craving for salad, or fruit when you would normally reach for junk food.
The trick is…
If you know how to program these emotional responses into your mind, then you will lose weight and you will control your weight... You will become the programmer instead of the programmed.
Program Yourself Thin will not only teach you how to create these new responses... and more importantly, show you how to KEEP THEM.
But it will do the programming for you!
And best of all, since this course is based on programming your mind and emotions, you won’t; feel those nagging cravings instead you'll feel satisfied and comfortable as you return to your natural healthy weight.
And I will prove it to you – risk free!
Now I can almost hear you thinking, “Can this really work?”
Yes, it true... I’ve been teaching these simple Hypnosis techniques for many years...
I personally was so relived and excited about dropping 50lbs applying them, that I decided to create this program to help other people like you achieve the same thing, and I have done so successfully for the past 6 years.
Here is how fast you can expect to get exciting results and here are examples of those…
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